¿Cuáles son los elementos que forman el mejor contenido? ¿Qué hace que un ad sea atractivo y tenga éxito? Estas dos preguntas no son nada nuevo. Aun así, no dejan de quitarle el sueño a los creadores de contenido, marcas y especialistas en Marketing.
Por suerte, Google escuchó nuestras plegarias. Luego de realizar un análisis minucioso de diferentes canales y ads, encontró que el mejor contenido (incluyendo anuncios) siempre cuenta con 4 elementos básicos, que decidió llamar el ABCD de la creatividad en Youtube.
¿En qué consisten estos 4 principios? CleverClick 360 te lo explica todo.
Este es el ABCD de la creatividad en YouTube
Content creation is not an easy task Content creation is not an easy task. Creatively, it involves different decisions that must be taken from the very beginning. That is why it is important to rely on some, let’s call it, guidelines that may help us to achieve goals.
But what are these so-called guidelines? Well, after analyzing hundreds of ads on YouTube, Kantar discovered which elements were shared by the most effective ads. So, he decided to call them ABCD'sThat is:
Let's say that the ABCD is a reference point to execute your ideas, not a creative formula. In fact, studies like these show that the amalgamation of creativity and execution is the key to a successful campaign and increasing your ROI.
In other words, once you have a great idea, ABCD will help you bring it to life and enhance its impact. Obviously, these principles can be applied to different objectives, whether it is to create awareness or call to action.
Impulsa tu creatividad en YouTube: aplica el ABCD
Successful ads engage the viewer from the first second. A good story is not enough, you’re supposed to offer a relevant sensory experience. So, take into account musica, sound, and visual elements and how you can highlight them; think about frames, shots and photography.
B: Brandea
There are infinite options. Beauty shots, graphic elements, voice, etc. The secret is to turn your brand identity into a story. Consider that YouTube is all about visual and sound experience, so explore the format, try new things. Creativity is key. And remember to brand frequently.
When it comes to storytelling on YouTube, it is basic to keep in mind this idea: the viewer is not a passive entity. That means that it is not just there, waiting for you to say something so they can feel close to your brand. And (it has to be said) no one likes invasive ads or those that don't take the public seriously. So, as a creative, you must take care of the human element that allows viewers to create empathy. Still, try not to get lost in the middle of abstract emotions. Remember, you have an objective: share your message.
This is all about your CTA. Use simple instructions.It will make it easier to get the reaction you are expecting from the viewer.
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